11 Palermo Cove Secret Harbour

Crusaders and Cadets

Crusaders are our youth aged 13 to 18 who take part in a season of patrols, education, competition, and fun.

Crusaders and Cadets

Crusaders are our youth aged 13 to 18 who take part in a season of patrols, education, competition, and fun.

SHSLSC Crusaders and Cadets program

The aim of the program is to develop teamwork, develop surf skills in youth to a Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion level so that teenagers can patrol our beaches and begin to perform rescues using more advanced equipment such as jet skis and inflatable rescue boats (IRBs).

The program is very popular and involves some Saturdays and all Sundays on the beach in training, helping out Nippers and around the club, keeping swim fit and attending abalone patrols and surf sports events. The highlight of the program are the two camps: the assessment camp at the clubhouse in November and the leadership camp at Jarrahdale in February. Our camps allow Crusaders to make close connections with other youth in a safe, healthy, and supervised environment.

Qualified Crusaders return each year of the program to maintain, improve and advance their skills, join surf lifesaving patrols for the busy January to March season, and attend regular social events throughout summer to further cement their teamwork and camaraderie.

The program is intensive with training attendance every weekend from October to December. Crusaders are kept up to date in the weekly Crusaders Corner newsletter emailed and posted to Team App and the members Facebook group.

13 to 15 year old Crusaders

A new Crusader will be trained for the Surf Rescue Certificate which includes some first aid and rescue skills. Those who graduate with their certificate become mentors the following seasons until they are of age to pursue their Bronze Medallion.

16 to 18 year old Crusaders

The minimum age for Bronze Medallion is 15 years old. Crusaders will learn first aid and CPR, advanced rescue techniques and use powered equipment (jets skis, IRBs) to perform rescues. Challenging rock and deep water rescues are learned at this level so that youth are ready to tackle emergency incidents on the beach. Crusaders who requalify for their Bronze Medallion return in future seasons to develop leadership skills in the Crusaders program, taking on organisational roles and more intensive mentoring of other Crusaders youth.

For more information about Crusaders contact:

Email: admin@secretharbourslsc.com
Phone: (08) 9524 7092

Further youth development opportunities

Crusaders are encouraged to explore all pathways to excellence available from Surf Life Saving WA.

Teamwork, Opportunity and Development (TOAD) Camp

The TOAD Camp is a development program open to U14 and U15 members (13 and 14 years old). The four day January camp at Ern Halliday is designed to expose participants to a variety of skills and activities that will enhance and encourage their development within the SLSWA organisation.

Rise Up Camp

Rise Up Camp caters for U17s (15 and 16 year old members). This four day December camp at Point Peron provides an opportunity for members to participate in a wide range of physical and social activities that will develop personal leadership skills.

We support and encourage youth to expand their skills with free training available through SLSWA Youth Program Pathways. Your teen can learn to become a youth coach, youth age manager, youth trainer, youth event producer, and youth official with all hours contributing towards the SLSWA Youth Leaders Program.

Or, if your teen dreams of lifesaving as a professional career, the Lifeguard Academy including the Rookie Lifeguard Program develops Lifesaving Services such as drone patrol, lifeguarding and jet ski operations.

Visit SLSWA Youth Program Pathways